Coach: Ms. Smith
Spelling in UIL is not exactly your typical Spelling Bee anymore, rather having several twists. The first part of the spelling test has proofreading and vocab: identify misspelled words and fill in blanks with the proper choice. The other questions, as well as the tiebreaker, are like a written spelling bee: hear the word and its definition and spell it accordingly. UIL's Word Power changes every year, so make sure to find the latest one on the UIL site.
- 100 questions + 20-question tiebreaker
- About 60 minutes
- Scoring:
- +1 for a correct question
- No deduction for getting a question wrong
- Part 1 will be 15 minutes of 15 proofreading and 15 vocab questions
- Part 2 will be 70 writing questions, and Part 3 will be 20 questions in similar format (note that neither of these have a set time, so it's really dependent on the meet itself