Journalism (and more!)

  • Ms. Smith
  • Ms. St. Clair

This page actually has a couple of contests together, but they're pretty similar in competition style and idea. Many of these include being given a series of resources and having to write a paper about them, whether that might be an editorial or a news flash. There's also a few other competitions. Ready Writing is a 2-hour long contest where one is given two quotes and has to write an essay based on one. Copy Editing is another, which is about properly editing a document for any grammatical errors and related things.

  • Ready Writing:
    • 2 hours
    • Write a detailed essay regarding one of two quotes
  • Copy Editing:
    • 15 minutes
    • Carefully proofread and edit writing to make a piece crystal clear
  • Editorial Writing:
    • 45 minutes
    • Write a stylistic piece to defend a side in an argument
  • Feature Writing:
    • 60 minutes
    • Write a piece that descriptively portrays an event
  • News Writing:
    • 45 minutes
    • Write a piece that captures an event from a news flash, using a combination of quotes and higher-level lead writing
  • Headline Writing:
    • 30 minutes
    • Write a bold headline to accurately describe a series of different reports
  • All contests are graded by a panel of judges, with no relative point scoring system